Lower Back Pain

If you’re experiencing lower back pain, the discomfort can prevent you from completing daily tasks and significantly affect your quality of life. At Resolve Chiropractic in New Berlin, WI, we offer non-invasive and holistic treatments to relieve your aches and help your body heal. Prior to visiting us, continue reading to learn about some causes of lower back pain!


Common Causes of Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain can be caused by a variety of common causes. Some of these causes include:

  • Spinal stenosis
  • Herniated discs
  • Sprains and strains
  • Sciatica
  • Auto accident injuries
  • Sports injuries
  • Pinched nerves

Chiropractic Treatments for Lower Back Pain

At our practice, we utilize multiple methods when treating lower back pain. Our chiropractor, Dr. Verenski, may start with spinal adjustments, which can properly align the spine and alleviate your discomfort. We might also utilize trigger point therapy to relieve any muscle knots in your back that may be causing pain or stiffness. Additionally, we can teach you therapeutic exercises to strengthen the muscles in your lower and improve your mobility. Each of our treatments are safe and non-invasive, so medications and surgery are not necessary to help you heal.

What to Expect During Your First Appointment

When you visit us, we will first discuss your symptoms with you and perform a physical exam. After we identify what is causing your lower back pain, our chiropractor will develop a treatment plan for your specific needs. You might also have your first treatment during your initial consultation. While this session can provide relief, it’s important to stay consistent with your care plan to achieve your desired results.

Visit Us Today!

If you have lower back pain, our team at Resolve Chiropractic in New Berlin, WI, is happy to help. With personalized care, we can help ease your symptoms so you can return to your normal routine quickly. To learn more about the treatments we provide or to schedule an appointment, contact us at (262) 710-0628. You can also browse our website to find out about our services or visit our clinic in person. When you need a chiropractor near me, we look forward to assisting you!


chiropractic spine


Learn how we can help with your pain